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• I had LASIK three days ago. I was so excited and nervous that the staff at the Laser Center were delighting in my antics as I waited for my turn. I was told during my evaluation a week prior that I could expect 20/40 vision, or at least as good as my glasses gave me, and I was hoping for that target. To make matters more difficult, I had very high astigmatism. Astigmatism that caused me eye muscle fatigue and pain my whole life.

The procedure was painless and DrAmit Singh was great at explaining and guiding me through the entire process. The first day was a little blurry but waking up the next morning was miraculous. Here is the best part: I went for my follow up appointment that day and found that my vision is now 20/15!!!!
Thanks for the love and professionalism and support! A N (Rudrapur)

• I just wanted to send a quick note of thanks for the care I received. Having LASIK was an amazing opportunity and I really appreciate all the time and effort given to me. My vision is perfect! I am also appreciative of being given a great experience to relate to my future patients.
Thank you so much! D

• I just wanted to send blessings to all for letting me see again, and your caring for me. It feels so good to be able to wake up in the night, look at the clock, and see the time wihtout putting glasses on to see. Bless all of you.
With love, SSA (Sringar)

• I had LASIK done almost 2 months ago and I recommend it to everyone. Dr Singh was so great during the procedure and I felt so comfortable during the whole thing. That was really cool. The procedure didn't hurt at all. The only thing that bothered me were those bright lights shining down on me but that is a small price to pay for perfect vision. After the surgery, I felt no pain and rested the entire day, which gave me a day off from mommy duties. My eyes are no longer dry and and it is great waking up in the morning and just getting dressed to go somewhere. I don't have to mess with those annoying contacts that take up half the morning to put in!
Sincerely, SS(Dehra Dun)

• I wanted to go an extra step in complementing your practice. I am the biggest chicken regarding my eyes. I have never worn glasses or had any type of eye problem. I have been seen by other providers in the past for an annual exam and the experience was less than desirable.

The experience in your office was fantastic from the beginning to the end. The technician who did the initial exam was patient and kind. She designed the exam around me as an individual. The ophthalmologist continued the exam with the same care and concern. They even told me I was a “good patient.”Anyway, in this world when so many times we only hear about the times we have fallen short, I wanted to let you know that you soared! I feel confident in your care.

Thanks Again!
Sincerely, L.S.

• I just wanted to take a minute to let you know how thoroughly pleased I am with the surgery you performed. It's unbelievable to be able to see so clearly and not wear glasses (of course, I'm using readers!!). So many times I have mentioned, I wonder what it would be like to get up in the morning and be able to see. Now I know the feeling. Again, thanks so much. You have truly made a difference.
Best regards, C.S
PS: And thank all of your staff who were incredibly thoughtful, kind, and efficient.

• Last night was the first good clear night of the summer and so my first chance to view the night sky with my new eyes (cataract surgery in May & June). I have not been able to see the sky this well since I was a kid.

• Please let Dr.Singhknow how pleased and grateful I am.
Thanks, F.R.

Thanks so much for all you did yesterday!

• Please convey my sincere thanks and appreciation to Dr. Singh and the entire staff. I don't remember everyone's names, but I do appreciate the care with which I was handled. All of you were great and it was wonderful to wake up this morning and be able to see my alarm clock.

Thanks again, R.A.

• I went to four of your locations and I have never seen this kind of excellence - rarely at 1 or 2 locations. Your people made my procedure relaxing beyond my expectations.
Thank you. J.H.

Explained the procedure well. Really tried to match procedure with my problem instead of overselling additional procedures I didn't need.

• Everyone was very caring. I did not feel like just another patient but was made to feel like the only patient. Some people asked what name I use and then personalized the experience by continuing to use my nickname. Very professional and optimistic staff.

• This surgery is the best thing I have ever done! The staff is wonderful! Everyone relaxed me and helped me – made me feel safe.
I found your practice to be extremely thorough and efficient and at the same time very friendly and caring. I had a very positive experience. 

• The genuine friendliness and interest shown to me by every member of your staff. Seeing clearly, without glasses or contacts for the first time since I was 9 years old is my very favourite part

Staff is extremely helpful, friendly and knowledgeable. Dr.Amit’s surgical bedside manner was the best I have ever enjoyed or experienced.

• The results upon waking the next day. I could actually read the shampoo bottles in the shower. I was also surprised at how little time it took to make such a wonderful impact on my life.

Good friendly staff-Doctor was very confident and made me feel like I was in good hands. J.O.

• I was able to get appointments quickly-both for the evaluation and surgery. I was well prepared for surgery because of all of the preliminary information that was provided.

• My experience and surgery was a pleasant one, from the thorough examination to the professional and friendly staff. During the examination and surgery we were made to feel as comfortable as possible. My mother came along to assist me and you even made a good impression on her. She is now considering the LASIK process as well. Thanks to you, my vision is now 20/20 and my experience was wonderful.

• Everyone was very caring. I did not feel like just another patient but was made to feel like the only patient. Some people asked what name I use and then personalized the experience by continuing to use my nickname. Very professional and optimistic staff.

• Thank you so much for my gift of sight. I have adjusted well to the monovision. Thanks for your advice and your skill. I'm still amazed weekly when I wake up at night and can see the digital clock.

Thanks again. .

• The GREAT news is that at my 1 week check-up my eyes were both 20/20 individually and 20/15 with both eyes open. I had absolutely NO problems post op, except my wife did not think the nighttime goggles were very sexy.

Gratefully, K.J.

• I recently had LASIK surgery and it was one of the best choices I have ever made, my vision is wonderful! I was able to watch TV later that night
Sincerely, A.S.

• All I can say is ITS A MIRACLE!
I'm 37 and I've worn glasses since 1st grade and contacts since high school graduation. I went from 20/400 vision to 20/20 in 20 minutes! I can't believe it!
No more blurry mornings or tripping over toys to get to a crying child in the middle of the night. No more swimming with goggles for fear of loosing my contacts or getting that dried out feeling that chlorine does to them when the kids splash in your face. No more cleaning the contacts or the constant cost of daily wears, etcetcetc etc.
When I got my contacts I thought that was the next best thing to bread. What a difference from glasses. But that's nothing compared to actually having eyes that work without assistance of contacts or glasses…This beats any retirement plan I ever invested in.